Euro PM2015 Congress and Exhibition
Europe’s annual powder metallurgy congress and exhibition organised and sponsored by the European Powder Metallurgy Association, will make its return to France in 2015. Euro PM2015 will be held at the Congress Centre in Reims, a city steeped in history with 3 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The combination of a world class technical programme and state-of-the-art exhibition will provide the ideal networking opportunity for suppliers, producers and end-users.
Euro PM2015
Reims Congress Centre
October 4-7, 2015
To Present a Paper or Poster
Authors are invited to submit abstracts of papers for presentation in the Technical Programme. These should be of original and unpublished work. Commercialism in manuscripts, presentations, or visuals will not be permitted. Papers will be allocated to oral and poster sessions by the Technical Programme Committee (TPC), based on authors’ wishes, overall evaluation, and limits of the time schedule.

It is planned that oral sessions will each contain four presentations, with 20 minutes scheduled for each paper, including discussion time.
Poster presentations will be located in allocated topic zones, and will be on display for the duration of the event. The manuscript for all accepted papers should be no more than 6 pages and must be submitted through the online procedure by 1 June 2015.
When assessing submitted papers, the Technical Programme Committee will consider:
the originality and novelty of the subject
critical study of a process, or a product in the course of development
study of the effects of fundamental scientific results on R & D
description of industrial achievements
technical/economic analysis of processes
comparisons with competitive processes or products.
Abstract Submission
Abstracts should be submitted using the online submission form at by 11 February 2015. Abstracts should be between 100 and 150 words in length and give sufficient information to allow the TPC to evaluate the proposed presentation.
The EPMA Keynote Paper Award
Following the on going success, the EPMA Keynote Paper Award sponsored by the Journal of Powder Metallurgy will continue for the Euro PM2015 Congress.
When the Technical Programme Committee meet in March, they will carefully shortlist a selection of submitted abstracts, of which six will go on to earn the prestigious accolade of Keynote status at Euro PM2015 Congress.

The Keynote papers will receive an extended 30 minute slot for their presentation at the beginning of the relevant session and will go on to be published in the industry journal Powder Metallurgy, who are also sponsoring €250 for each of the six successful Keynote papers selected.
For a paper to be considered for Keynote status it should report original research or review a topic of interest to the PM community. It must not have been published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Peter Brewin Poster Award
This new award from the EPMA has been introduced to celebrate the contribution made over many years by Dr Peter Brewin to the Association, both on its Board and Council as well as his successful period as Technical Director from 2001-2007. At the same time the Award forms an important and public recognition of the contribution made by poster authors to the EPMA’s annual Euro PM Congress.
The award will be in the form of a plaque and an honorarium of €250 to be presented at the Euro PM event to the poster author who in the opinion of an independent panel of three judges has submitted and displayed the best overall poster at the event. All authors presenting a poster at Euro PM2015 are automatically entered for the prize.
Congress Proceedings
Presentations from the oral and poster technical sessions (mandatory), and Special Interest Seminars (optional) will be published in the congress proceedings and these will be made available to delegates at the time of the congress. EPMA also has agreements with ProQuest LLC, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, EBSCO and Scopus to enable the wider circulation of papers presented at EPMA conferences and to enhance their standing in the academic community. The papers from Euro PM2015 will subsequently be made available to the subscribers of these products after October 2016. Papers from past Euro PM Congresses will also be available on
The text of all papers will be refereed by Session Chairmen, and the Organising Committee reserves the right to reject a paper that does not meet its evaluation criteria.
The inclusion of a paper in the final programme will also be dependent upon:
i. the submission of the manuscript by the official deadlines
ii. the presenting author completing his/her delegate registration and payment by the official Authors’ deadline of 14 August 2015.
Note to Authors:
All costs relating to Congress participation, including registration (special rate for authors), travel, accommodation and subsistence expenses, will be covered by the author.
Author Deadlines
Abstract Deadline – 11 February 2015
Manuscript Deadline – 1 June 2015
Author Registration Deadline – 14 August 2015
Congress Co-Chairmen
We are pleased to advise that the Co-Chairmen of Euro PM2015 Congress are:
- Mrs Delphine Auzene, CRITT-MDTS
- Dr-Ing Jean-Claude Bihr, Alliance SA
The Chairman of the Technical Programme Committee is:
- Prof Thierry Barrière, University of Franche-Comte/FEMTO-ST Institute
English will be the official language of the congress.
Reims has a number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including Notre Dame Cathedral, the location of 25 royal coronations and a masterpiece of Gothic art, adorned with over 2300 statues and exceptional stained glass windows. The Palace de Tau, next to the Cathedral was the historical residence of the bishops and archbishops of Reims and the location for coronation banquets and religious ceremonies.
Reims is famous for its production of Champagne, with the champagne houses Mumm, Veuve Clicquot and Lanson among many others calling it home. Reims can be reached via Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, from where it is possible to take a TGV high-speed train to Reims ‘Champagne- Ardennes’ station. Paris Vatry Airport also connects Reims by bus. Reims is located at the junction of the Lille – Dijon – Mediterranean and Paris – Charleville – Sedan train lines with direct connections by TGV to the stations of: Gare de l’Est, Lille, Rennes, Nantes, Bordeaux, and Strasbourg. There are 12 daily links between Reims and Paris, the fastest of which takes only 45 mins. Eurostar connections are also available. There is direct motorway access from the western part of Germany, which is within 4 hours drive.
Congress Organisers
Euro PM2015 Congress & Exhibition is sponsored and organised by the European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA). EPMA, a non-profit organisation formed in 1989, is the leading trade association for powder metallurgy in Europe. Its key functions are to represent the interest of the European PM community, and to promote PM technology throughout the world. Further information about services and membership can be found at
Abstract Deadline – 11 February 2015
Euro PM2015 Industry Exhibition
New for 2015
Launching on the Euro PM2015 Congress & Exhibition website will be online advertising options, provided on a first-come first- served basis, with a limited number of advertising spaces offered, to ensure maximum awareness is generated.
As part of the EPMA’s commitment to keep the cost of exhibiting as competitive as possible, the EPMA is pleased to announce the 2015 exhibition price per 9m2 stand will be kept the same level as in 2014, making it 4-years of the same exhibition price for both EPMA and Non-EPMA Members.
The Euro PM2015 Exhibition, held in conjunction with the Congress, offers an excellent opportunity for international suppliers to the PM industry to network with new and existing customers from the powder metallurgy and associated sectors. The Reims Congress Centre will allow positive exhibitor, delegate and visitor interactions. The exhibition area will accommodate the poster areas, coffee breaks and meeting rooms, making for an efficient area. If you supply the Powder Metallurgy Industry with products and services in Europe, the Euro PM2015 Exhibition is the one event you need to attend. The Euro PM2015 Congress & Exhibition will attract many key PM industry decision makers, who may be your next customers.

Exhibition stands are sold on a first-come first-served basis and full details, including a copy of the exhibition floor plan, is available via the Euro PM2015 Congress & Exhibition website
There are a range of outstanding sponsorship and advertising opportunities to help raise the profile of a company within the powder metallurgy industry. Cost effective sponsorship packages are available to suit all budgets, from advertising opportunities in the Congress & Exhibition Guide, to promotional items for the Session Speakers, through to sponsoring key event activities, such as the Welcome Reception or Congress Dinner Drinks. For full details on available sponsorship and advertising packages, including the associated costs, please visit
Euro PM2015 Interactive Website
In 2014 the EPMA launched a new interactive website which allowed Authors, Exhibitors and Delegates to benefit from being able to access the interactive elements of the website. 2015 will build on the success of this system to allow Authors to submit abstracts, Exhibitors to amend and update their company profiles and provide access for full paying Delegates to access digital proceedings, over internet enabled devices, such as laptops, tablets and smart phones.
Additional features that will also be available via the Euro PM2015 Congress & Exhibition interactive website will be: INTERACTIVE CONGRESS SCHEDULE
All users will have the opportunity to use the Interactive Congress Schedule that enables you to view the Euro PM2015 Congress Schedule by Day, by Topic Strand and focus in on specific areas of interest. Users can select from Oral or Poster presentations and read the original abstract using this facility.
Digital Proceedings
Full Delegates can view and download individual proceedings and abstracts straight onto their mobile device, tablet or laptop during the event for no extra charge.
Attendee Search
Users will be able to search the List of Attendees, making it easier for you to network during the event.
Latest Event Information
Logging into the new Euro PM2015 Website will keep you up-to-date with all the event activities during your time in Reims.
Abstracts can be submitted on the following topics:
Additive Manufacturing
Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, rapid prototyping or freeform fabrication, is ‘the process of joining materials to make objects from 3D model data, usually layer upon layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing methodologies’ such as machining. The term 3D printing can be defined as the fabrication of objects through ‘the deposition of a material using a print head, nozzle, or another printer technology.’ The use of Additive Manufacturing (AM) with metal powders is a new and growing industry sector with many of its leading companies based in Europe.
Topic areas will include:
- Beam Based Technologies (SLM, EBM)
- Blown Powder Technologies
- Alternative AM Technologies
- Printing Technologies
- Simulation and Modelling
- Special Materials
Hard Materials and Diamond Tools
Europe is a key player in the global hard materials field, the size of which is comparable to the structural parts sector. The range of hard materials available to design and manufacturing engineers has broadened considerably over recent years, and includes WC based hardmetals; Ti(C,N) based cermets; engineering ceramics; superhard CBN and PCD; and monocrystalline diamond impregnated tools.
Topic areas will include:
- Cermets and Ceramics
- Characterisation, Applications and Properties
- Consolidation, Processing and Finishing Treatments
- Diamond Tools, PM Tool Steels and Other Hard Materials
- Hardmetals and Hard Matertials
- Raw Material, Binders and Powders
- Surface Modification Technologies
Hot Isostatic Pressing
HIP has established itself in the past decade as an essential manufacturing process for the production of complex and highly specified components made from a wide range of metals and/or ceramics. As a niche, but developing sector with great potential, HIP introduces PM technology into size ranges and capabilities not traditionally associated with the technology. These HIP components are currently being used in a number of industry sectors that have highly demanding environments for example: aerospace, offshore, energy and medical.
Topic areas will include:
- Full Density and Alternative Consolidation
- HIP for Bi-Metal Applications (bonding powder solid part)
- Near Net Shape HIP Applications
- Powders for HIP
- Properties of HIPed PM Materials and Standardisation
- Sinter HIP (cemented carbides, densification of sintered steels)
New Materials and Applications
Innovation is the driver of every industry and the Powder Metallurgy industry has always benefited from a strong Research and Development effort, which allows developing new processes and finding new applications for PM components. The special programme on ‘PM Applications and New Processes’ will highlight current and future successes in the following different topic categories.
- Topic areas will include:
- Miniaturisation and Nanotechnology in PM
- PM Biomaterials
- PM Functional Materials |
- PM Lightweight and Porous Materials
- PM Non-Ferrous and Special Materials
- Powder Metallurgy for Current and Future Applications
PM Structural Parts
The Structural Parts sector of PM comprises the activities of the ferrous structural parts industry; including producers of iron base powders and other raw materials necessary for the ferrous structural parts industry, process equipment, tooling and component manufacturers. Structural Parts PM components are used in a variety of markets, with the automotive industry being predominant, using approximately 70-80% of the ferrous products produced annually.
Topic areas will include:
- Powder Manufacturing and Processing
- Powder Pressing
- Secondary and Finishing Operations
- Sintered Steels Sintering
- Tools for Improving PM
Powder Injection Moulding
PIM is now an established manufacturing process for small precision components which would be costly to produce by alternative methods. It is capable of producing, in both large and small volumes, complex shapes from a wide range of materials, including non ferrous metals/high performance steels, Al and Ti, hardmetals/cemented carbides and magnetic materials and intermetallics. The competitiveness of PIM is shown by its average 10% annual growth rate, maintained and confirmed even over the 2008-2009 crisis period, and as a result components made by the PIM process are found in a wide range of applications.
Topic areas will include:
- Advanced Processing and Special Materials
- Characterisation Applications and Properties
- Feedstock and New Binder Systems
- Fundamentals and Modelling
- Micro PIM, PIM of Compound and Composite Parts
- PIM Components Production
- Powders Production and Properties
A more detailed topic breakdown can be found on