- Publication aims to encourage AM data management projects and Standards efforts
Cambridge, UK – February 15, 2018 – Granta Design today announced that it has released to the Additive Manufacturing (AM) community key details of the ‘Schema’ (the underlying data structures) behind its AM data management solution. The GRANTA MI:Additive Manufacturing Package is the industry-leading software for managing data within AM development projects. In publishing the Schema information, Granta aims to encourage projects to systematically manage AM data and to support development of Standards. The information is available in an “Additive Manufacturing Schema Summary Document”, available for download from the Granta website.
GRANTA MI:Additive Manufacturing has been under development since 2010, when AM technology itself was more commonly known as “rapid prototyping”. At this early stage, Granta identified this complex materials domain as a prime technology area where robust, pedigreed, and version-controlled data would be required to support design and manufacturing.
Since then, Granta has built tools to support the optimization of AM processes and the robust data management needed to enable part qualification and certification. This has been a collaborative process: working within industry projects such as the European Union’s AMAZE, with members of the Material Data Management Consortium (MDMC), and with the leading engineering enterprises who now use Granta software for this purpose. Granta also actively engages in standardization activities, for example, through SAE and ASTM.

Publication of the Schema Summary Document aims to broaden this collaborative approach. The Document identifies many of the attributes needed to describe AM processes, and proposes best practice for organizing these attributes in a database. This information can help in planning AM projects and in the discussion of Standards. Its publication will increase awareness of the need for these important activities, and support their adoption. Organizations engaged in AM data management and/or Standards definition can request a copy of the Summary Document by completing a form on the Granta website. In return, Granta asks that they engage in collaborative discussions on the topic and provide feedback on the Schema.
“In talking to organizations that are planning AM projects, we often find that they understand the importance of capturing, sharing, and analyzing the right property and process data, but don’t know where to begin in planning this activity,” said Najib Baig, Product Manager, Material Innovation at Granta Design. “Sharing some key aspects of our Schema will help AM project managers and Standards groups to think through what data they may need to manage, and how.”
About Granta Design Ltd.
Granta are the materials information technology experts. The company develops market-leading software for managing materials and process information in engineering enterprises, and a series of tools for applying that data to key materials and product design decisions. Granta serves sectors as diverse as aerospace, defense, energy, medical devices, automotive, motorsports, manufacture of consumer and industrial equipment, materials production, and publishing. Customers realize multi-million dollar benefits in reduced cost, enhanced product performance, improved quality, and faster design turnaround. Granta was founded in 1994 as a spinout from the University of Cambridge and the work of Professors Mike Ashby and David Cebon. For further information go on line to www.grantadesign.com.
Source: Granta