New appointments and first XJet AM systems live at a Pentatech demo centre cement position
Rehovot, Israel – November 4, 2021 – XJet Ltd. has announced today that it is strengthening its presence in the Asia Pacific region. The appointment of a strategic dedicated distributor in China, plus advanced discussions with further distributors across the region and the addition of Lior Meron as XJet Regional APJ Head to the team, cements the company’s position in the region.
The distribution agreement with Pentatech has seen installation of XJet’s first two additive manufacturing systems in China, and also on the Asian continent, which are now running live at Pentatech’s demonstration site in Hangzhou. Further systems will be installed at other sites by the end of the year.
Pentatech is a new company founded by Jun Tang and Dunhe Foundation for reselling XJet printers exclusively in China. The company plans to construct five additive manufacturing centres in mega cities across China, each showcasing XJet Carmel 1400 additive manufacturing systems. Pentatech has successfully incubated its AM medical product and service bureau – Thales Medtech.
Tang comments, “I’ve been tracking XJet’s progress for some time, seeing huge potential for the, as yet, virtually untapped ceramic additive manufacturing market in China, plus great opportunity for growth in metal additive manufacturing. I have excellent connections with many leading Chinese brands, and with the exceptional properties of ceramic and metal materials alongside the unique benefits of the AM process, I see so much possibility for new products. I’m also very happy to associate my business with XJet as a global technology leader and with the team, which represents a significant history in the world of additive manufacturing.”
In addition to its presence in China, Meron’s new position will see XJet increase its interests across the region as he brings over two decades of experience in global markets, leading the business activities of innovative companies with breakthrough technologies, and unique experience in the APJ Region.
Hanan Gothait, XJet CEO, comments, “XJet’s first installations in Asia Pacific represent a significant milestone for the company and for the market. With the support of Lior, a very welcome new addition to our team, we’re excited to grow the XJet business in Asia Pacific. These are extremely important hubs in global manufacturing and with metal AM continuing to grow apace and ceramic AM on the verge of rapid acceleration, we will be investing heavily in the region and it’s important that XJet is represented. XJet is all about the details and Pentatech understands and supports our ethos, so we have no doubt our Chinese customers will be supported extremely well. As our customers in other countries in the region will be, as we add new distributors to the XJet family.”
Pentatech CEO Tony Hu adds, “We’re tremendously enthusiastic about bringing XJet technology to China. XJet worked extremely hard to get the technology installed, working through all the complexities – and even quarantine periods – that were thrown into the mix because of the global pandemic. The commitment of the team is remarkable.
“Now the demo centre is live in Hangzhou we’ve been very busy printing samples for prospects. It’s fascinating to see all the applications inspired by the technology and all the manufacturing problems NanoParticle Jetting solves. We cannot wait to roll out the technology and see what Chinese companies can achieve with it.”
Visitors to Formnext can meet Meron on the XJet stand, D121, hall 12.0 (ground floor) from 16-19th November at Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
About XJet
XJet provides industry-leading high definition 3D printing solutions that empower companies to create revolutionary products in ceramics and metals. Manufacturers can now enjoy volume production of true geometric complexities, unlocking a host of applications that have so far been unviable. Learn more at xjet3d.com.
Alon Ziv
Marketing Communications Manager
PHONE: +972-8-931-4620
EMAIL: Alon.Ziv@xjet3d.com
Claire Russell-Jones
Account Director
PHONE: +44 1737 215200
EMAIL: xjet@bespoke.co.uk