SANTA FE, NM — September 20, 2022 — Sigma Additive Solutions, Inc. announced that it has formalized its program of working with universities, research labs, government organizations, and industrial companies to provide a platform for improving collaboration related to in-situ monitoring and real-time analysis for quality assurance, certification, and qualification of additively manufactured parts.
The goal of this AcGovDustrial Network is to grant easy and inexpensive access to Sigma’s in-situ monitoring and analysis platform for educational institutions and R&D labs around the world while building a network of key stakeholders from government and industry to provide funding, commission projects, commercialize innovative technologies, and ultimately propel metal AM into production.
Under Sigma’s program, members will receive substantial discounts on Sigma’s PrintRite3D® technology, direct access to Sigma’s engineering resources, collaboration on government funded projects and programs, input to product features and requirements, early access to Sigma’s Alpha and Beta programs, and more. The intent is to cultivate a community focused on validating the efficacy of AM for production and instill confidence in the quality of additively printed parts.
According to Sigma’s Chief Executive Officer, Jacob Brunsberg, “Sigma began its life as a laboratory engaged in research and development of 3D metal printing technology and has a long history of working with universities, research labs, and standards organizations alongside our industrial customers. We are placing more structure around this activity and packaging it in such a way that it makes adoption and implementation much easier for our allies in the R&D community. These organizations are at the leadership edge and are crucial to the rapid adoption and scalability of additive manufacturing.”
Dr. Nima Shamsei, Director of the National Center for Additive Manufacturing Excellence at Auburn University stated, “Auburn’s relationship with Sigma Additive is a shining example of the power of the AcGovDustrial program. Auburn is working closely with Sigma on projects with the FAA, Army, and NASA, while also jointly contributing to ASTM Consortium for Materials Data and Standardization (CMDS). This has provided students hands-on access to leading edge in-situ technology and the opportunity to contribute to advancing AM solutions globally. Many of our students have already taken these learnings and experiences to leading industries, such as GE Aviation and Blue Origin.”
Added Steve Immel, Sigma’s Senior Director of Business Development and AcGovDustrial Initiatives, “Manufacturers are interested in implementing AM for production applications but often need to validate print technologies, verify processes, launch pilot projects, and justify the capital expenses, manpower, resources, real estate, and more. Furthermore, they need to ensure confidence at various levels of their organizations that additive manufactured parts are as good as, if not superior to those that are traditionally manufactured. In-situ monitoring and analytics can assist with this, but the challenge has been that the various players in the ecosystem weren’t aware of who had what capabilities, expertise, specializations, budgets, resources, and project solicitations. This network will help to identify these variables, create a community, and connect key stakeholders.”
There are already five members of the Sigma Additive AcGovDustrial Network from leading academic institutions, while government, consortia, and industrial memberships are in process. Sigma is offering increased discounts to new members to jumpstart collaboration within and across the network.