Global engineering technologies company Renishaw is participating in the 2017 FameLab Academy to improve the science communication skills of Gloucestershire school pupils. Engineers Emma Robertson and Kirsty Wynne will take part in the initiative as science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) mentors to offer advice and expertise on how to deliver an effective scientific presentation. Renishaw will also offer work placements to winning students.
FameLab Academy is a competition for Year 9 students in Gloucestershire run by Cheltenham Festivals and supported by EDF Energy. Participating students deliver a three minute presentation on a scientific or engineering topic of their choice to a panel of judges. The students are graded on content, clarity and charisma. The best presentation from each school is selected for the Gloucestershire final, a work placement in a local STEM business and a two-day Communication Masterclass.
Each of the 14 participating schools is partnered with a STEM mentor. Renishaw engineer Emma Robertson will mentor Stroud High School and Kirsty Wynne will mentor Wyedean School near Chepstow. Renishaw’s two engineers will offer their guidance to pupils on how to give an effective presentation.

“There is a serious shortage of female engineers,” explained Emma Robertson. “In the UK, only nine per cent of the engineering workforce is female. Sharing insight into my career during the FameLab Academy at an all-girls school is an opportunity to raise awareness and interest in the range of engineering and scientific careers available to young people.
“In the STEM industries communication is an extremely important skill,” continued Robertson. “It can be difficult to explain complex technical information clearly and concisely for a range of audiences. Developing the student’s interpersonal, communication and presentation skills is essential for ensuring a skilled and talented workforce in the future, an objective to which Renishaw is fully committed.”
“FameLab Academy is revolutionising science education in the county and changing students’ hearts and minds about STEM subjects,” explained Ali Mawle, Education Director at Cheltenham Festivals. “We received 100 per cent positive feedback from the schools that took part last year and this year 50 per cent more Gloucestershire students will participate – that’s 1500.
“Through FameLab Academy workshops, students are given the tools to communicate and as a result their confidence soars, and through links with industry and the British Science Association CREST Awards, FameLab is very relevant to real life and the students’ futures.”
Renishaw is a leading engineering company involved in a large number of outreach projects to encourage children and young people to participate in engaging STEM activities and open their eyes to STEM careers. This includes work with Greenpower, Young Engineers, Bristol Music Trust and work experience weeks awarded full recognition by the Skills for Stroud Work Experience and Employability Charter.
For more information on Renishaw’s commitment to education outreach, visit–34713
About Renishaw
Renishaw is one of the world’s leading engineering and scientific technology companies, with expertise in precision measurement and healthcare. The company supplies products and services used in applications as diverse as jet engine and wind turbine manufacture, through to dentistry and brain surgery. It is also a world leader in the field of additive manufacturing (also referred to as 3D printing), where it is the only UK business that designs and makes industrial machines which ‘print’ parts from metal powder.
The Renishaw Group currently has more than 70 offices in 35 countries, with over 4,000 employees, of which 2,800 people are employed within the UK. The majority of the company’s R&D and manufacturing is carried out in the UK and for the year ended June 2016 Renishaw achieved sales of £436.6 million of which 95% was due to exports. The company’s largest markets are China, USA, Germany and Japan.
The Company’s success has been recognised with numerous international awards, including eighteen Queen’s Awards recognising achievements in technology, export and innovation.
About FameLab
FameLab was set up in 2005 by Cheltenham Festivals to find and nurture scientists and engineers with a flair for communicating with public audiences. Since then it has gone from strength to strength and has gone global in partnership with The British Council. Competitions are now held in 27 countries across Europe, Asia, Africa and the United States. Thousands of researchers have taken part around the world to date. The result is a vibrant network of scientists and engineers engaging international audiences and broadening each other’s views of what it means to be working in science and engineering right now.
About Cheltenham Science Festival 6-11 June 2017
Cheltenham Science Festival is a six-day celebration of science, engineering and the arts and is produced by Cheltenham Festivals. An opportunity for the public to come face-to-face with around 300 of the world’s leading scientists and thinkers, in 2016 the Festival issued over 43,000 tickets whilst the free interactive Discover Zone and other free events and exhibitions attracted over 27,000 visits. The six day Festival promises a mix of serious debate, live experiments and surprising discoveries.
For more information, contact
Source: Renishaw