- ZEISS Invests €30 Million in Innovation Hub
September 26, 2017 – Nanoscribe – specialist for highest-precision 3D printing – will move into the ZEISS Innovation Hub at the Campus North of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Expected key benefits are strengthening of its innovation and acceleration of growth in science and industry.
The construction of the €30 million hub is scheduled to begin in early 2018, it will cover 12,000 square meters of space. For ZEISS as an active sponsor of the sciences, these closer links between industry and science mean that synergy effects can be utilized more intensively. Besides Nanoscribe, ZEISS wants the hub to house high-tech and digital start-ups, as well as its own innovation and new business activities. KIT will thus join forces with ZEISS experts to pave the way for the technologies of the future.

Martin Hermatschweiler, CEO of Nanoscribe, is convinced that “this ensemble of an inspiring architecture, the close links to KIT and networking opportunities within the hub will further foster our innovation culture.” He is looking forward to have all departments of the company – right now split up in different locations – re-united in an inspiring environment upon the completion of the hub. The new building will encompass modern offices, labs and production areas for several young companies as well as Nanoscribe, KIT and ZEISS.
The building is scheduled to be operational by the end of 2019. The lease agreement is currently being defined by the parties. KIT, whose third pillar is innovation – alongside research and teaching – aims to use this hub to provide long-term prospects for carve-outs at the site. The space currently available to this end has been maxed out. At the ZEISS Innovation Hub, KIT will be able to lease a portion of the space for its own carve-outs and innovation activities.
This collaboration between KIT and ZEISS is based on solid foundations as the hub will also be home to Nanoscribe. In 2007 Nanoscribe was the first spin-off of the KIT, since 2008 ZEISS is a stakeholder of the supplier of high precision 3D printers. Nanoscribe is established in this field as the technological and global market leader with its laser based additive fabrication processes. Today, top universities, renowned research institutes and pioneering industry in more than 30 countries are customers of this prosperous company. Subsidiaries in China and the United States are scheduled to be opened soon.
Nanoscribe GmbH
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
Tel +49 721 981 980 0
Fax +49 721 981 980 130 Web
Source: Nanoscribe